The new enlightenment Project

Who we are
Mission: We are dedicated to fostering open respectful dialogue, intellectual exchange, advocacy, collaboration, and research on Canadian challenges to enlightenment values including the erosion of individuality arising from tribalism. We strive to empower humanist ideals while embracing universalism and a sense of compassion.
Vision: We seek a world where reason, science, and compassion guide to pursuit of knowledge, the practice of governance, and the pursuit of individual goals.
Schools must adapt or become obsolete says head of Toronto’s new “Peace School »
With the help of a United agency, Nasser Yousefi established a school for children in his native Iran 20 years ago. Since the theocracy controls and restricts education, his “Peace School” remained unaccredited. During this time Dr. Yousefi gained unique insights into...
President’s report to the 2024 Annual General Meeting
Consistent with our mission and vision statement adopted at our June 2023 annual general meeting, The New Enlightenment Project has continued to promote reason, science, and compassion in guiding the pursuit of knowledge, the practice of governance, and the pursuit of...
Psychology in the Snow: Reflections on Mental Wellness in the North
A collaboration between Metis counselling psychologist, Dr. Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson, and European-Canadian independent journalist, Scott Douglas Jacobsen. The purpose of this text is the provision of a public resource focused on presenting a social scientific account...
Reflections on the death of Richard Bilkszto
I think there is much humanists can learn from the death of Richard Bilkszto. My tribute to him was published in this month’s issue of Humanistically Speaking, a humanist magazine published in the United Kingdom that was doing a special issue on the phenomenon of...