The new enlightenment Project

Who we are

Mission: We are dedicated to fostering open respectful dialogue, intellectual exchange, advocacy, collaboration, and research on Canadian challenges to enlightenment values including the erosion of individuality arising from tribalism. We strive to empower humanist ideals while embracing universalism and a sense of compassion.

Vision: We seek a world where reason, science, and compassion guide to pursuit of knowledge, the practice of governance, and the pursuit of individual goals.

Our Constitution describe The NEP as: 
A humanist group in Canada that adheres to the 2002 Amsterdam Declaration as it defines humanism, and that aims to champion the ideals of The Enlightenment that brought about higher standards of living and individual freedoms within societies all over the world. Progress is a process, and The NEP aims to advocate evidence based reason as its guiding principle, while recognizing the inherent dignity of all humans, regardless of immutable characteristics. We are a group that will be constantly challenging accepted theories both new and old, and defending those ideas with vigor that foster a tolerant, secular society.


Reflections on the death of Richard Bilkszto

Reflections on the death of Richard Bilkszto

I think there is much humanists can learn from the death of Richard Bilkszto. My tribute to him was published in this month’s issue of Humanistically Speaking, a humanist magazine published in the United Kingdom that was doing a special issue on the phenomenon of...

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