21 lessons for the 21st Century – Yuval Noah Harari
The world’s foremost English speaking historian presents 21 challenges facing humanity today and what possible some possible solutions are. He is firmly convinced that all of the ways humans have tried organizing themselves into societies, liberal democracy has proven to be the most success full and versatile. He does however, understand its limitations and has ideas as to how to improve its institutions.
While he is aware that any critical thinking about problems with liberal democracies will be used by authoritarians from the right and left tp push their false »solutions », he concludes that that free discussion is the better alternative to self-censorship. Without free discussion of it’s problems, it will not be possible to improve liberal democracies. All human progress since the dark ages has been made possible by beating back censorship from authoritarians which resulted in even more opportunities for free expression by larger and larger fractions of the human population.